Tuesday, January 26, 2010

.:Stress testing dalam perbankan Islam:.

Use of this research is to analize performance of Islamic bank and the corelation of the ability and performance between local Islamic bank and foreign Islamic bank. Using the stress testing’s method which is by CAMELS rating system in order to assess the performance of bank were a new research in Malaysia even have used by previous researcher in couple of decade. The selection of research bank devide by two type : local Islamic bank and foreign Islamic bank. This selection is to tells the assess and policies implication of bank to “private information” bank and also to see the importance of Islamic banking’s application. The result of research find that foreign Islamic bank performance is greather than local Islamic bank. The suggestion of coming research is the factor of upgrade the local Islamic bank’s performance and the comparision assessment stress testing between Islamic bank and convensional bank.

*insyaAllah economian-to-be.. >__<

finally, its done already..

thanks to mercy Allah...

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